Our Self-Sufficiency Department encompasses several programs that fall under 2 categories; Emergency Basic Needs, Housing & Financial Counseling. These programs all support our mission and are designed to help those in need to get back on their feet.

Self-Sufficiency Department, clockwise from top left: Natasha, Regina, Teresa, Kim, Carla, Deng.
St. Martin Center promotes Fair Housing. The Fair Housing Act is a Federal Law that protects people from housing discrimination based on the basis of: race, color, national, origin, sex, religion, disability, and familial status (familial status means the presence of children under 18 in a household, pregnant women or anyone in the process of adopting or securing legal custody of a child). You can report discrimination at 267-419-8918, info@equalhousing.org, or through equalhousing.org.
Notification of the right to interpretation services will be included on all announcements for meetings/appointments/workshops to which clients or the public are invited to participate when necessary in order to address special language or communication needs that may arise. TTY services may be utilized for clients who are hearing impaired.
Federal nondiscrimination laws define a person with a disability to include any (1) individual with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; (2) individual with a record of such impairment; or (3) individual who is regarded as having such an impairment.